Data on drinking tea is not rare, branch organisations often interview the general public on their tea habits and consumption (Dutch National coffee and tea survey, 2018). This may give us information about taste preferences, perceptions and consumption behaviour but it doesn’t give much insight into how the actual act of drinking tea is experienced […]
Tag Archives: data visualisation
Activities, time and mind-state
After exploring mind-states in different places at home I wanted to find out what is the best time and the best activity to base a wisdom intervention on. I started logging my own activities using the method of experience sampling. This method lets you check a certain set of variables at random intervals throughout the […]
sleepGalaxy: final design
There were still a couple of variables to visualise once the basics design was ready. I had to work on integrating my pre-sleep activity. In the end I used three activity types: sport, social and screen (computer and television). Of the first two I’d logged duration by recording start and finish time. For screen time […]
sleepGalaxy: design & calories
I’ve been working on the overall design step by step, alternating between coding and looking. I want to incorporate my calorie intake after 6 PM. I’m not recording the times I ate and I suspect they influence my whole sleep. So the most logical position is to circle all around the “sleep circles”. There is […]
sleepGalaxy: kick off
Finally, I’ve started to work on a piece that’s been on my mind for almost two years. Ever since I met the nice people from Emfit at the Quantified Self conference. They kindly gave me their sensor in return for an artwork I would make with it. You put the sensor in your bed, go […]
e-Textile and data visualisation
Report of the meeting “Wearables and data visualisation” 13-6-13 @ V2_ Present: Ricardo O’Nascimento and Danielle Roberts (organisers), Anja Hertenberger, Meg Grant, Beam van Waardenberg Skype: Annick Bureaud Program: – Introductions – Look at and discuss examples from the web collected in a Pinterest board ( – Life demonstration – Discussion – Practical stuff When […]
breathing_time at the Quantified Self conference
On May 12th I lead a breakout session at the second European quantified self conference in Amsterdam. The goal was to exchange experiences in breath and group tracking and to demo the new, wireless version of the breathing_time concept. I started the breakout with an overview of the previous version. We soon got into a […]
days of my life
I’ve been programming hard to shape the pages that will represent my life in the calendar. I’ve used Marcos’ statistics to make a nice backdrop for my pages using the average of stress, energy, mood and inner peace values. Layered on top of that are the distinguishing values for the above parameters. I’ve also already […]
working with data
I’ve been experimenting with the design and data visualisation using the personal data values: mood, stress, energy level and inner peace. Depending on the data value the lines, shapes and tone of each visualisation varies. This will create a different structure for every timeslot in every day. Inner peace will be a big organic and […]
big data hackathon
The Big Data Visualization Hackathon: ‘Making the healthy choice in any environment’ took place October 12 – 13 at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven where 10 teams of hackers with various backgrounds created solutions in the area of health care. I participated with Eugene Tjoa. We created a mobile app that acts as a personal […]