On May 12th I lead a breakout session at the second European quantified self conference in Amsterdam. The goal was to exchange experiences in breath and group tracking and to demo the new, wireless version of the breathing_time concept. I started the breakout with an overview of the previous version. We soon got into a […]
Category Archives: breathing_time
xbee hello world!
Today I’ve had my first success with communicating between two Xbees. Mostly thanks to this simple but clear tutorial. After installing the XCTU software with Thijs a few months back I had forgotten quite a lot of his private class “introduction to Xbee”. From his instructions I ordered 7 Xbee antenna’s and one Xbee explorer […]
non-woven wearable
Because I’m extending the breathing_time project into a workshop I’m doing some research on non-woven materials to make the cones from. The first version was made of paper and felt. It looked very nice but wasn’t very practical. Paper folds and crumbles easily. The felt on the face gets dirty and as it was glued […]
about breathing_time
For the TIK festival documentation I wrote an article about breathing_time: Background and concept Breathing_time was conceived as part of the Time Inventors Kabinet[1] project for which I was an invited artist. The idea behind this project was to use different ecological input for creating new notions of time. Right from the start I had […]
performance 11-5
Last Friday was the première of the breathing_time performance. I was very, very nervous. So nervous that I forgot to start the sound software… But the animation was beautiful and the data came through very well. One participant wasn’t present, I don’t know what went wrong, he came online at 19:15 as you can see […]
test session
I’ve been working like mad for last couple of weeks to get the ‘drawingBreath’ software going. Main issues: working with the sense-os API, more specificly formatting the string to be send to and retrieved from the server getting the custom software to work on the various PCs making the software work for five sensors in […]
hardware finished
The hardware finished just in time for the catalogue picture. Thanks again to Hans, my lovely model. So this is one of the five breathCatchers to be used in the performance.
hardware progress
I’ve been working with plastic and paper to create different device prototypes. I was very happy with look of the plastic prototype. I want the design to be light: The part I like most is where I stitched the plastic together with nylon thread: But when I did 30 minutes of meditation wearing the device […]
work in progress
I’m working on the breath detection software and the device design. I’ve concentrated on detecting the breathing in and out and the event between breaths. Especially the distinction between in and out is hard as there is wind flow in both cases. So I use the difference in temperature to detect the in and out. […]
server side
Last week I visited the nice people of Sense OS. They offer a very powerful platform for working with sensor data: CommonSense. I talked to them about hosting my breathing_time performance on their system.They are enthusiastic about the project and want to take on the challenges that they’re up against. The idea is that I […]