I’ve worked on the new numuseum interface today, these are the first sketches. I want to combine the different subjects (e.g. webart, photographs, etc.) in a scrollable circular interface that functions as a timeline. The black lines indicate the years (like annual rings in a tree) and the coloured lines are the subjects. The red […]
Tag Archives: time
continuing numuseum design
Chronology, subject and tags will become the main interface for navigating the numuseum content. For inspiration – and because I’m a map freak – I bought this lovely book: Cartographies of Time: A History of the Timeline (view image). See the full gallery on Posterous
chrono map research
See the full gallery on Posterous I’ve made a first sketch of a new visualisation I’m exploring. It’s been in my head for years: sharing a complete (or as much as possible) experience and not just pictures or texts. I want to integrate time with maps and add subjective data as an extra layer. I’m […]
time lapse
Test for a time lapse movie that is recorded on the longest day of the year (5:20 AM – 10:04 PM) The result can be viewed at http://www.numuseum.nl, look for the lifeMovie link under the blue works menu.
portrait over time
Inspired by a lecture by Lev Manovish (http://lab.softwarestudies.com/) where he visualised all the covers of Time magazine by taking out just one column of pixels and placing them all in one line. You could see a the big picture of the development of the cover design. I want to make a self portrait during my […]
3 minutes
Breathing for 3 minutes (until ink was finished). While in- or exhaling I moved the brush. When not breathing it remained motionless on the paper.
4 minutes
Four stains made with four drops of ink for each breath taken over four minutes. (I’m a very slow breather.)
Time isn’t on my side
I’ve just done a check on the time lapse functionality of my camera. It appears that it take a picture every 62 seconds instead of every 60 seconds. So I’ll need to fake two photographs per hour in order to keep track with time.