The calendar contains 863 photographs taken over the last eight years. Some days have multiple pictures most days have no pictures. Using a double loop I loop through the days again and for every day I loop the entire array to get the days where I took more pictures. Once I knew I could detect […]
Tag Archives: photography
valued client
Photographing a 9000 plus euro ring of a client. This must be the most expensive object I ever held in my hands.
chrono map research
See the full gallery on Posterous I’ve made a first sketch of a new visualisation I’m exploring. It’s been in my head for years: sharing a complete (or as much as possible) experience and not just pictures or texts. I want to integrate time with maps and add subjective data as an extra layer. I’m […]
time lapse
Test for a time lapse movie that is recorded on the longest day of the year (5:20 AM – 10:04 PM) The result can be viewed at, look for the lifeMovie link under the blue works menu.
portrait over time
Inspired by a lecture by Lev Manovish ( where he visualised all the covers of Time magazine by taking out just one column of pixels and placing them all in one line. You could see a the big picture of the development of the cover design. I want to make a self portrait during my […]