This spring I wrote this article together with designer Vera de Pont. It was presented at the “Searching for the New Luxury” conference by the Fashion Colloquium. Unfortunately it will not be published in their journal. But we had a nice time writing it and we hope the content is of use to others. Abstract […]
Tag Archives: article
The artist as boundary crosser in the collaboration process to create a mixed media art piece
This article I wrote with my intern Meike Kurella for the Design Research Society conference 2018. The article was rejected but we would still like to share our findings here. Summary In this article we explore the role of an artist in a multidisciplinary team with regard to the effectiveness of the communication and the […]
about breathing_time
For the TIK festival documentation I wrote an article about breathing_time: Background and concept Breathing_time was conceived as part of the Time Inventors Kabinet[1] project for which I was an invited artist. The idea behind this project was to use different ecological input for creating new notions of time. Right from the start I had […]