isolation mission

On 23 and 24 October I took part in an isolation mission inside a spaceship simulation. This mission is part of the social design project Seeker by Belgian artist Angelo Vermeulen. A group of architecture master students from the TU/e worked on an exploration of living in space and build an experimental spaceship. The aim […]


Last week I joined the Seeker project, a co-creation project by Angelo Vermeulen exploring life in space(ships). It’s been really inspiring so far as living in space combines knowledge from the fields of architecture, sustainability, farming, water and power supply and Quantified Self. The latter being my addition, of course 🙂 Together with architecture master […]

solar sound

At last weekends’ TIK festival I did the solarsoundmodule workshop. One of the most inspiring things in years for me. The little ‘creatures‘ create a minimal sound through a simple circuit using only solar power.  It combines a couple of things that I’m very interested in at the moment: Low energy use: a little solar […]