Yesterday I made 480 black pictures for eight hours sleep. They are numbered 961 to 1440 and can be pasted into the picture folder for display in the application. It looks kind of cool, a whole folder with black squares.
Category Archives: north-southfeeling
Yesterday I continued working on the heart-beat graph. I’ve managed to animate it. The speed of the animations varies with your cursor position. The speed ranges from 1000 milliseconds to 1 millisecond. When the animation goes faster the string of dots seems to be alive, like some snake like creature. Fascinating to watch. The dots […]
I’ve managed to code my first heart-rate graphic. And it’s CUTE! By looping through the big data file I can isolate the heart-beats, take the different values to draw lines and put in the dots at the right coordinates. The next step is to draw a big graph in Flash and move it to the […]
Time isn’t on my side
I’ve just done a check on the time lapse functionality of my camera. It appears that it take a picture every 62 seconds instead of every 60 seconds. So I’ll need to fake two photographs per hour in order to keep track with time.
Testing 1, 2, 3…
Thursday I did it test with all my sensors for 24 hours. It went rather well but there art two main points of attention. 1. The stealth cam. It has limited capabilities in storage capacity and battery capacity. When I set the resolution to low it should be able to hold 350 pictures. This is […]
Getting things on a map
Yesterday I continued with my Flash web app. I’d already done some tests with part of the application. For example displaying a map inside Flash. Only recently Google maps have released an API for working with Google maps inside Flash. This makes it very easy to include (interactive) maps inside your Flash app. Of course when […]
Format data application
Today I finished my program for combining data from different files. There will be three different files at the end of a day. A text file with lines and tab separated data containing all the data recorded by the Suunto watch. A gpx file that contains GPS data in xml format. And a text file […]
I give up
Part of the data I want to log and show are my activities. I’ve wrecked my brain trying to think of an easy but digital way of keeping track of my activities during the day. That data should consist of a time stamp and of course my activity. I imagined an application which would run […]
About North-southfeeling
What is north-south feeling? A multi-media project by artist Danielle Roberts. During two weeks she will monitor herself. One week in Amsterdam (north) and one week at home in Breda (south), the Netherlands. Each week she will monitor her heart-rate, GPS location and activities for 7 days, 24 hours a day. Every minute a picture is automatically […]