I’ve made myself very happy tonight. I decided to write the code that invents the data from the Suunto watch, that was lost yesterday. I wanted the date and times to be right but the beats per minute would just be 10 everywhere. The strangest thing happened when I was programming. I didn’t understand quite […]
Category Archives: north-southfeeling
I’m being challenged at the moment. Yesterday (and a little earlier) I noticed that my heart-rate belt was having problems. So I reckoned it was a good idea to replace the battery. After I’d replaced it the watch couldn’t find the belt anymore. So I couldn’t do any measuring of the heart-rate. So today, as […]
I shall overcome
My first day in Amsterdam was quite an adventure. The houses are very close to the central station. I have to take a ferry to get to the north, that enhances the north feeling 🙂 I’ve been assigned a very cute though basic house for the first 3 days. The house I was originally planned […]
Amsterdam here I come
I’m on the train going to Amsterdam for the second part of my project. I must say I wasn’t really looking forward to it. Not so much going to Amsterdam but doing all the measuring for a whole week. It’s pretty intense somehow, it cages you… I’ve also discovered that it’s a hell of a […]
Power cut
As I was collecting the data this morning (it’s Christmas)Â there was a power cut. It was in a large part of the estate and may be a large part of town. I rang the alarm number and they said the cut would last till 1 pm… Luckily the batteries of my laptop were charged so […]
Right, I’ve just discovered how the gaps in the picture series appear. When there’s not enough light to take a picture the camera makes a long low beep. I thought that was just a warning but now I’ve discovered that it just fails to take a picture. So for yesterday I managed to complete the […]
Picture drama
I just downloaded about 400 images from my camera ALL of which are corrupt! What a mess. So for this morning there will be a lot of pictures ‘not available’… They look kind of cool, if they weren’t ruining my project I would actually like them. Glitches are a form of art in some circles. I think it […]
No picture available
Yesterday I inspected my harvest of the first day of measuring. It was a little disturbing. I found out I had way to little pictures from my cam. Somehow I missed a couple of hours worth of material… I filled some holes with copies. But I spent hours doing so. Also calculating where the camera […]
Measuring has started
Today I’ve started with my week in Breda. I woke up a little too late for my taste but I suppose I just was tired… So from 10.10 the measuring has started. I had some problems getting my the pictures from my camera to my laptop. It refused to transfer the files. There were about […]
It’s alive!
I’ve almost got the whole application working. Yesterday I managed to animate the map and the heart icon. Because I keep moving around (and the GPS logger isn’t always exact) the map is continually shifting a little. Together with the moving heart-beat ‘snake’ you really get the feeling this work is alive. And of course […]