
Right, I’ve just discovered how the gaps in the picture series appear. When there’s not enough light to take a picture the camera makes a long low beep. I thought that was just a warning but now I’ve discovered that it just fails to take a picture. So for yesterday I managed to complete the series without gaps. The only problem there was yesterday was the Suunto watch. It didn’t find the heart-rate belt because the batteries were low. I tried to replace them but couldn’t. I had to go back to the shop to have it fixed. So I only could start measuring at 10 o’clock. That was a bit of a shame.

Kinky looking electrode gel
Kinky looking electrode gel

From the user group I got a reply for my questions on how to continue measuring the heart-rate during the night. I have to use electrode gel. I ordered it Monday and it arrived today. It looks funny. Unfortunately it’s only for two nights in Breda. I hope it works. Tonight I only measured till 0.30… It will be for Amsterdam as well when it works. A problem is that I will have different durations in measurement time. I hadn’t thought about that. I will have to find a programmatic solution for that. As I want to compare the rates at the same time in different places.

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