Experiment b. Elbows and lower arms while peeling an orange

The main goal of these experiments was to get insights into how changes to the surface of the table might increase the sense of connection between the actor, the action and the objects. Nine different materials were tested during the activity of peeling an orange. Sounds play an important role in these tests. Sharp sounds […]

Embodied ideation at the table

Introduction This post introduces four technology-free experiments to explore embodiment using a table. From the observations described in the previous post an ideation process is started which uses estrangement or defamiliarization as its main mechanism. Estrangement is about making the familiar strange [1] by using the body, context, routines, materials or props in unfamiliar ways […]

Experiment a. Fingers and hands while peeling an orange

This experiment explores the effect of interventions on touch of hands and fingers on the sense of connection between the actor, the action and the objects. Without gloves [a] the direct touch of the fingertips gives a sense of direct connection. However, the clear difference between the skin and the surface of the objects creates […]