The pleasures of designing

Yesterday I went to the second meeting. It got me so excited I even dreamt about it.

As we all had to rethink and deepen our ideas about the concept we did a round of our current status. There were a lot of suggestions for everybody from everybody, so that was a nice exchange. We’ll have nine completely different pieces at the end of this project.

After the general round we had the opportunity to ask specific questions about the concept development (Anna Maria) and technique (Paul.) I think it’s a blessing that there are people like Anna Maria. I explained my new line of thinking and the research I’d been doing on the net. She was quite excited that I got away from the LEDs. I was very excited that we found ways for me to experiment with an old love of mine, paper.

Cutting from air mail paper
Cutting from air mail paper

I’ll start working on low-tech tests for logging air quality on paper, exploring the different possibilities of the material. I’ll also be recording what the different experiments feel like for me (I consider that to be a kind of meta-design-notes, very interesting.) I’ll also let other people log their air quality experiences and record their experiences on doing so as well. We’re both looking forward to the results and I can hardly wait to get started.

With Paul I discussed the sensor pitfalls. The sensor options we looked at all work in a similar way, they change resistance. And they all need calibrating… So I’ll probably have to rent equipment for that because I do want to make my data to make sense.

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