Yesterday I spend all day working on the web application (finally, because Wednesday evening it appeared that I still had two days of data to sort which took me the rest of the day.) To my mild surprise this went very smoothly. I can now show the two graphs with heartbeats, the two maps and the activities. I’ve also added the possibility to zoom in and out. It’s a joy to watch, very funny. It was a bit slow. The program is so heavy that I can’t really speed it up much. It takes a lot of time to watch a whole day and that’s too much to ask from the visitors. So now I’ve programmed a button with which you can skip an hour. Now I just have to make a nice looking button to go with it.
And because you can’t speed through the days I made a design for the interface so you can jump to different days. I still have to build and program that. As the program runs now it just can do one day. I’ll have to make it load data from different days and reset things for it to work with different days. The plan is to finish that today so I’d better make a move on.